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Tag: Authentic
One vibration from stillness
Where is love and what frequency is peace? What space can we move into where we can allow situations, opinions, peoples thoughts and intensions wash over us and still find ourselves in a place where we can process and support without losing the alignment of who we are. Alignment is a state of relaxation within our body and emotional self and a state of awareness with our mental and spiritual selves. Becoming aware of what’s happening around us energetically without snagging or getting caught within it, becoming aware of the energetic value without conscious thought or bias. Simply to recognise what is happening around us and release that recognition and thought to allow whatever energy is moving through us to purify and find its own place.
We are not giving, justifying or transmitting
How can we best help others? Everything is always the most difficult with family and friends, the closest bonds and compacted histories. People want to share their thoughts, problems and energy with us. It’s a privilege to be in a space of trust where someone feels they can confide in us, share something personal or a specific situation they are going through. How can we help? First of all, there are two fundamental different mindsets. A generalisation would be the difference between how men and women approach a situation but let’s not get caught up on gender.
Firstly, if a female mindset is used, a person may want to emotionally harmonise with feelings, empathising with the other person, justifying the emotional reactions of what a person was going through. Offer a space of understanding for what has happened and what was currently been experienced. This approach could be very justified within the situation but what it could also do is reenforce limited or outdated belief systems.
Secondly, if a male mindset is used, a person could disregard the emotional content of the situation and move straight to trying to find a solution for the problem. Taking information from the here and now and looking to resolve the issue in the future. This leaves a large part of the emotional wellbeing unanswered and could leave the person feeling unvalidated for what they are experiencing even though a resolution might be found.
Both of these approaches are valid and could always be used in tandem, they have a space where they are incredibly beneficial. This is really how the world has worked in the past. Justify the emotional experience by agreeing with one person or another and solve the problem.
Another area to consider for anyone finding themselves in a space of disagreement could also consider the energetic value of their interaction.
Take the vibrational resonance of the situation, rather than feeding the energetic value of the situation by getting involved and amplifying the energy move to a place of harmonising and a purifying. A simple thought to hold space for yourself and hold space for the person you are having the interaction with, not getting involved energetically will allow them to process their thoughts and feel what’s coming up within them. They then use the alignment and resonance of your system to help them process and purify, feeling your energetic attunement and matching it with their own. You offer safety and security without getting involved. Hold your space, a passive but strong vibration one note from stillness.
Holding space
We all live within multiple paradigms of thought and belief, some of our own making, others of family both past and present, friends, community and of course society as a whole. It is beneficial to remember this when working with other people, their paradigms are not the same as ours although there will be many of the same or similar due to the nature of our community and societal normalities. When we listening to others, constructs of society or any concept or idea and we have a reaction we are feeding the paradigm. We are fuelling an idea or energy giving it life and power, if this paradigm has negative connotations both people’s agreement and disagreement feed it. If we can simply remember – it doesn’t have a power source of its own, it needs ours. By holding space, staying within our own vibration, listen but don’t emotionally or energetically feed or react. Holding space shows the individual or group that you are not restricting or dictating any of the space you are holding for them. Holding space means freedom for the other person to move as they choose without energetic judgement or confinement, they then have the opportunity to recognise and release any paradigm within their energy field or belief system. Hold your space, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually one vibration from stillness.
Choosing yourself
One of the most difficult choices in life is to choose yourself. It can be perceived as selfish or having a lack of empathy for other people. We all feel like we want help others, if someone comes to us with a problem or shares their troubles we want to help, we treat them with respect and caring, we treat them that way because we love them. It should be exactly the same for us, we have an opportunity to move to a space where we can treat ourselves like someone we love.
When we choose ourselves, we step closer to our true power and potential. We come to realise what we want and how we see the world around us. It is the same when we listen or work with others, hold space and allow them to choose themselves. Allow them to find the energy, solution and frequency of healing within themselves. What can happen is when someone comes to us, we want to fix the problem for them or tell them our solution and give them our power and energy. If we do that and they solve their problem, who’s win is it? Or if they don’t solve the problem but tried to implement our solution and it didn’t work, whose fault was it?
Be yourself
Once people start to choose themselves, they step into a space where they begin to become aware of the paradigms they are living in, from that space they are able to make decisions around what resonates and what no longer resonates within their life. It is not an easy journey when you start to realise that many of your behaviours, choices and life philosophies no longer ring true. The question arises, who am I?
Just be yourself. You are not a fixed idea or a specific role within this world. You are a multidimensional being who has choice to be whatever they feel like within each moment, give yourself the space and freedom you deserve. You are not only the sum of your life experiences or that spiritual or divine aspect of purity, but you are also so much more. Give yourself the freedom of opportunity to be the multiple aspects of you and the freedom to experience the wonder of this physical world.
One vibration from stillness
Finding a peaceful alignment. Your physical self, your body is here for experience and feedback, we don’t tell our body what to do, our body is telling us what it is experiencing. Allow your emotions to flow through your body and listen to what your body is saying back to you. Bring your mind back to the present, yesterday is a memory and tomorrow will never arrive, there is only ever this moment now. Become aware of the spirit around you and the energy emanating from mother earth. Find a state of calm and alignment within, feel whole, connected and powerful, it comfortably in this space only one breath and one vibration from stillness.
Where is love?
Love is expression and emotion, no one can tell you what love is, you have to experience it for yourself. Our role as human beings is partly to be a signpost and mechanism for love, processing information through our body and experiencing the world around us, interpreting our experience creatively through speaking, drawing, playing, moving or writing with the energy and authenticity of the moment. Signposting the way for others to find love within their experiences. Love and magic is all around us at every turn if we choose to be present, feel it and experience it.
Written by Richard Stuttle