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Tag: Healer
Alignment is only the starting point
There are many groups, practices and practitioners working today, all teaching different modalities of wellness and wellbeing. Everything from Body Somatic, Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing to Qigong and many different forms of Yoga and breathwork practices which revolve around bringing different aspects of your being into alignment, activating greater parts of yourself and working on personal attunement. All practices and modalities have a truth within them, when you find a practice or teaching you resonate with the most important aspect is to feel into the authenticity in which the teacher and group operates. Find what is right for you.
For many teachings and practices finding a state of alignment is the goal. This can sometimes be confusing to students. The goal of the practice is to find alignment, but a common misunderstanding by students is that they think the practice is to invoke a state of serenity in everything they do, approaching life with an outlook of zen and calm. Alignment to me is something different and doesn’t necessarily mean serenity or calmness. For me it is simply a state where we have access to greater aspects of who we really are and a deeper understanding of our true nature, capability and importantly capacity.
The part of development which is not often realised
I would suggest that alignment this is just the starting point for accessing our own authenticity and self-healing to recognise these emotional reactions within our energy field that we may have previously thought of as us. It is not what’s happening externally, it is what the external world triggers internally within us. With alignment or any self-development or spiritual advancement work we start to become aware of paradigms of thought that no longer serves us or old trauma that comes back into our consciousness. This work is difficult, challenging and can often open dark spaces where we don’t want to go. This is the work; these are the places we need to explore when finding our own purity and authenticity.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Do not become confused by our human reaction to life’s challenges.
Finding your own space
The majority of these healing and balancing practices revolve around bringing together the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our humanness.During the sessions a state of alignment, inner calm and serenity is entirely possible and if working with an authentic teacher and group then easily reached. Where it falls is when students return to their daily lives and struggles and feel they need to live in a state of inner calm, they then become frustrated when they are not able to maintain the awareness and alignment without the support of the teacher and group.
A slightly different mindset is needed, the point of the teachings and sessions are not to produce a state of calm to walk through the rest of our lives. They are to produce a state of authenticity we can recognise as us. This is the reference point for living daily life, the practice and alignment allows us to feel what is us, so we are then aware what isn’t us. We are able to recognise paradigms we live in which we previously maybe thought was us.
When we work on alignment and healing it is also important to learn how to hold space for ourselves and others, experience what comes up and hold space for the point of authenticity within us. Holding space for others and allowing them to find that point within them.
After alignment – working with a practitioner or group
Students returning to the world following a course, retreat or workshop will be resonating on a different frequency, they have expanded their bandwidth. I hear,“Nothing has changed but everything is different.” They have become aware of other energies that are operating in our world. They are also more aware of how people are plugging into their energy fields through certain emotions. In some cases, students have set up supportive unconscious boundaries within their energy field so people can’t plug in as they used to, this can cause frustration and may manifest in emotional behaviour from people around the students. This is why holding space is so important.
Another point that is important to note is that certain people will now be attracted to the new frequency within their energy field, this can be both positive and negative. A lot of people who resonate on similar frequencies will come together to work together and for greater healing and development, but also people who want to take energy or plug into their energy field in an unhealthy way (Be aware that many people who you feel might be negative or have drain energy are not aware of what they are doing).
It is important to know how to take the teachings and practices you learn from others and find how they work for you as an individual. There is an element of truth in all practices and if you feel drawn to a certain teacher or practice then there is something that connects at that specific time on your journey. The next step is to find the authenticity within the teachings for yourself and allow the rest to leave. This simple point will allow you as an individual to be able to fully understand what you are doing and how it works for you, giving you deeper understanding and greater capacity. This also removes any reliance on a teacher or specific modality that has been developed by others.
Our greater responsibility
Alignment with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being is just the beginning. You stand in your own space with greater awareness of yourself which allows for a deeper experience and ultimately deeper healing. We have a greater responsibility in today’s world, it is our role to take personal responsibility not just for our actions but also for our energy and every part of our being. We are conduits to process energy, hold space for ourselves and others in a way that they can raise to match our vibration. Become the lighthouse and signpost for others.
Holding firm within your own authenticity to allow others to find a key within your energy field to gain deeper access to their own.
Written by Richard Stuttle