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Tag: Magical moments
Magical moments are there waiting to be discovered
Wherever we are in the world, it is almost certain that someone has been there before. They may have even found a moment of magic, a frequency left at a certain point and time on earth waiting to be rediscovered.
These moments are everywhere, once we begin to see them more and more find their way into our awareness. We then have an opportunity to walk through this life discovering magic and seeing beauty around every corner.
Not feeling the magic? Life is busy and we are constantly trying to catch up with our mind as it races forward into a future that never arrives. It separates us from the rest of our body, our spirit and our emotional self, when this happens it’s easy to feel numb, not ourselves or aligned with who we really are. This means that rather than walking into moments of magic we race forward missing them all together.
Bringing ourselves back in alignment
Why do we miss these moments? The simple answer is that we are not ourselves, meaning we are not in our bodies or even present. Taking a look at the different areas that makes us present, a simple way to understand this is to break it down into four main areas, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. What can happen is that physically we are fatigued, constantly playing catch up with ourselves. Emotionally we are drawn to people who we think need our support, our love and energy given in the wrong way can be incredibly draining on our systems. Mentally we are thinking of tomorrow and all the pressures of our lives, our to do list, the media we consume, our family commitment, friends or our two-week holiday at the end of the year. Also, the past, everything we did wrong, things that didn’t work out. Our mind has many tools to keep us from the present. Spiritually we are saturated, overly experiencing everything with no filter or boundary. Feeling connections with mother earth, people’s energy or psychic connection, the unseen world and spiritual energies. Our own spirit doesn’t know where to find us, we are not present.
The work is around bringing ourselves back into alignment with the present. Physically, feel your body and listen to the feedback it is giving you. You don’t tell your body what to do, you listen to what your body is experiencing and telling you. Emotionally, bring your emotional energy back to you, focus on primarily caring for you resonating in your own love. Mentally, there is only ever the present, the past is only a memory and tomorrow will never arrive, be here now. By bringing these parts of us back into the present we can connect with our spirit or spiritual energy, the spark of light within us. This gives us an opportunity to become more aware of our surroundings, mother earth, the energetic world and unseen realms. The more present we are the more we start to walk in a different frequency and time becoming aware of the magical moments around us.
Becoming aware of these special frequencies and moments
It is only a simple thought away, bringing ourselves into alignment within the present allows us to open to the frequencies around us. We can be more decerning about what’s happening and have more information to process from our mind, emotional state and body feedback. Mother earth, the energy of our ancestors, humanity, society and animal kingdom. All these frequencies within time are available in our present, we can step into the energy and power of these energies at any time. It is always up to us. When we are working within the present moment, we become more of our truth, that deep knowing within us, it’s a space where another part of us activates and life finds a different rhythm. We find time to step into each moment and realise the magic that is there waiting to be discovered.
Locations on Mother Earth
All of these energies are vibrating at slightly different frequencies. Imagine civilisations of the past, our ancestors stopped in certain spaces, felt the resonance of the earth and found special places on the surface of the planet which offered a harmony or space where it’s possible to access greater wisdom or healing. These magical points are openly available for each one of us to stop and share a moment of presence and appreciation. Ancient sites of lost civilisations were chosen for a reason, there are places around the world which have a strong and powerful energy. A source of power which can be used by people to purify and resonate deeper love. Channelling deeper wisdom from higher beings and other densities. When we act and move in the frequency of the present, we begin to feel drawn to these places and spaces, tapping into that energy and feeling. Resonating purity within our bodies and out into the world.
Aligning with the people around us
Our bodies offer fixed coordinates on this planet within this reality, matter within space and time. We can move around the planet gravitating to various locations where are drawn to, becoming a conductor for a specific energy and frequency. Our energetic signature is personal to us. Our connection to people on a psychic level is unique, people on a similar or compatible frequency will gather together, naturally moving to locations where they can interact and become conduits for transforming energy. This energy is communicated on a psychic level passing to other people on our frequency throughout our network. This energy can also manifest through our creativity in this world either through the spoken or written word, musical interpretation and artwork all with the underpinning vibration of healing energy.
Defining moments in time and space for future magic
The history of our planet is something of a mystery, many civilisations forgotten or removed from the history books. Many of these had deeper wisdom and far greater technology, different sources of energy and ways of tapping into refined frequencies for greater knowledge. The magic of our existence is that now within this time we have an opportunity to radiate our inner light, it’s incredible to think we have been born into a world where we can live the life we want and become aware of the wonderment that has resonated on this planet.
There are pockets of energy, resonating points of refined frequency which are there to be explored, enjoyed, experienced and above all shared. When we find ourselves present within our own alignment, we become aware of moments we can step into and reactivate something from another civilisation or a point in space where someone experienced a magical moment in another time. Everything has already been said, every moment experienced in another past whether it be in a different reality or just a dream of one of our ancestors, it is our role and responsibility to find these spaces and reactivate the grid of magical moments and points of pure love on this planet. When we activate these points, we bring a little more magic into this world.
We need more love at this time on our planet. Finding sweetness in the morning air or watching the sun stream through autumn leaves. Taking your loved one by the hand and walking together down a grand staircase in an old country home connecting with the energy in the fabric of the walls. Walking on the earth feeling wet grass beneath your feet or wandering along a white sand beach as turquoise waters lap around your ankles. Take your time, be present, step into the moments of magic and love around every corner. Take every opportunity, resonate pure love throughout your being and out into the world for others to find.
Written by Richard Stuttle