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Tag: Prayer
Prayers for a Divine Service
In a Spiritualist Divine Service there are generally three prayers spoken.
An Opening Prayer to set the tone and energy for the service. A Healing Prayer, to offer healing to loved ones and people in need. Each service is brought to a close with a Closing Prayer. This is to offer thanks for the service, and thanks to the congregation and the spirit world for their participation.
Opening Prayer
Please take a moment to find your quiet space and offer thanks as we open in prayer.
“Father God, divine spirit.
We gracefully accept your healing power and take a moment for our loved ones whose stresses of mind and body may be eased through your divine energy.
Help us to adopt a more positive and helpful way of thought, bring us into closer harmony with those around us and our life’s purpose.
Let us offer thanks for this moment and the opportunity to work with the spirit world. May we experience the upliftment of spirit as we connect two worlds with love and harmony, to bring comfort and healing to everyone in need.
May the good lord bless us all.
Healing Prayer
Please take a moment to offer thanks for the healing prayer.
“God, Heavenly Father
May we be thankful for our blessings, grant our loved one’s relief from pain and protect them from sickness in the days and years ahead. We ask for your healing energies to offer guidance and inspiration to people in need. Your healing thoughts for anyone affected by manmade or natural disasters.
May our love for the earth sustain us. Our trust and belief assist in opening a channel for healing, both here and in the spirit world. Allow us to be conscious of our strengths in all times of need and offer a shining light to others when they need it the most.
Love is eternal, please allow our positive intensions and influences to inspire our community. To help us unite the world the name of healing and peace from this moment forward.
We leave them in your loving care.
Closing Prayer
“God, Heavenly Father.
We thank you for this wonderful service.
We have felt your love and offer our eternal thanks for helping us to follow our true pathway.
To the spirit world who always supports us, we offer our love in return. May your passion and wisdom continue to guide us.
We offer healing to others as you heal us. We ask for your protection and we will protect others. Following this service, guide us so that we can all go forward with confidence and take one step closer to our divine purpose.
Loving spirit, we bless you as you bless us.
Prayers have far greater meaning than just the words spoken, they help to unite the congregation and bring people together. For more information about prayer please take a look at – What is the purpose of Prayer?
Prayers written and recorded by Richard Stuttle
What is the Purpose of Prayer?
Prayer is a major part of most religions and can be seen in many ancient civilisations including Mayan, Egyptian and Greek, dating back far beyond 4000 BC. Praying has been considered a powerful force and a way to offer thanks to God and Mother Nature depending on the religion and belief system.
Prayer is a way to communicate with God and connect your soul with the divine. It enhances belief for many. Prayer is a conversation, a way for connecting with the divine and listening for a response. It is quite possible to have a conversation with God and must always be considered a huge privilege. To have the ability to talk to the creator and undergo the realisation that a spark of the creator’s energy is in oneself.
Prayer offers a moment of inner reflection. It offers time for the individual to understand more about their feelings and a moment to feel thankful for life itself and the blessings bestowed upon us. It’s a way to be completely honest with oneself and offer forgiveness to ourselves and others. Compassion can come through understanding and reflection.
To understand the power of prayer, it must be understood that it is relevant to the belief, honestly and intent in which it is done. Just like with every other action in life. Prayer must be done with love and appreciation. It must be from the heart. Empty words will do little to change anything but done with love and passion, prayer can be extremely powerful.
One example of this utter dedication and love for God has been represented in sculpture by one of the greatest artists and sculptors in history. In 1647, Gian Lorenzo Bernini was commissioned and began work on the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. This became a defining work. The story of St Teresa is well known, ‘Teresa of Ávila was a nun who lived in 16th century Spain, at the height of the Reformation. She wrote about her visions in several books, including this description of the scene Bernini depicted: Beside me, on the left, appeared an angel in bodily form…. He was not tall but short, and very beautiful; and his face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest rank of angels, who seem to be all on fire…. In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron tip there appeared to be a point of fire. This he plunged into my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails. When he pulled it out, I felt that he took them with it, and left me utterly consumed by the great love of God. The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans. The sweetness caused by this intense pain is so extreme that one cannot possibly wish it to cease, nor is one’s soul content with anything but God. This is not a physical but a spiritual pain, though the body has some share in it – even a considerable share.’
The utter dedication St Teresa had for the love for God was all consuming. That power has huge potential to make a difference in our world, not just with belief but also a physical different if harnessed correctly. Prayer, if done with the whole heart, can heal the sick, fix the broken and change our world.
If the power and connection is understood then the realisation and act of praying can help to build bridges, improve lives and help our soul continue on its journey of evolution. Regular prayer is beneficial for our mental state in a similar way long term meditation can benefit our lives. A moment in prayer can harmonise our energy and body, it can allow us to connect with the God within ourselves and boost our confidence. It can also offer an alternate view of ourselves, others and our world. It’s a way to be thankful for life, everything we have and hold dear.
Prayer can connect people in this world, it’s a shared belief, when people pray together, they are also connecting with each other. This can create a psychic link with people in our world, recognising and connecting through the divine spark within each of us.
Praying together as a group or congregation invites the presence of God into the room and helps to increase the faith of everyone present. People who feel touched by God’s presence have more confidence in themselves and strive to live their life’s purpose.
Some of the philosophy of Silver Birch came through the mediumship of Maurice Barbanell, in the book ‘The Teachings of Silver Birth’. When asked about enlisting help from those in the spirit world his reply was, ‘If you pray with sincerity, you make yourselves, because of the act of prayer, accessible to higher forces. The mere act of prayer opens up the soul. You must pray with your hearts, souls and minds. Mere requests are not prayers. Prayer, truly understood, is a great spiritual exercise. I can best explain it all by saying that prayer should always be regarded as a means to an end, not the end itself.’
This answer confirms that prayer done with mind, body and soul can have great power and make a big difference in the lives of the individual, as well as lives of the people that prayers are aimed at. Prayer in itself is only part of the journey and should be done regularly, with conviction, in order to make the difference in people’s lives and the evolution of one’s soul.
Written by Richard Stuttle