
Blog Posts & Discussion


  • What is Spirit Art? Portraits of loved one from beyond the grave

    The modern-day term ‘Spirit Art’ has meaning within the religion of Spiritualism, it is linked with Mediumship. A medium is someone who through the unseen senses (Clair-senses) is able to communicate with energies/worlds around the physical realm including the spirit world (the afterlife according to Spiritualism). Mediumship is usually delivered in either a public setting (Divine Service or Spiritual Service) or within a private setting (Private Sitting or Private Reading).

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  • What is healing and how can we heal?

    There are many forms of healing dating back centuries, almost every culture and civilisation recognised healing in some form or another. From the medicine men and shaman in America to the witches and witchcraft of medieval England. Spiritual healing as it was termed came into prevalence in the United Kingdom around the turn of the 19th century…

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  • Intuitive Healing with Colour

    We may not consider ourselves artists or creative people, but everyone has a relationship and understanding of colour. Our everyday life is full of choices which have an underpinning influence of colour and feeling whether we are conscious of it or not. Colour is within everything; from what clothes we choose to wear each day to the colour of the foods we eat and environments we choose to work and live.

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  • Automatic drawing, Surrealist Automatism and Auragraphs

    A painting or work of art often begins with a moment or flash inspiration, from that point creativity can flow. Many artists wait for inspiration to strike before beginning work, once the idea arrives in the mind the artist relies on their skills and talents to bring the idea to life on canvas or paper. This method can be thought of as understanding the ‘creativity within the thinking mind’.

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  • How did we get here?

    It is interesting to explore concepts from different viewpoints. There are many interesting theories around how we ended up in the here and now. As humans we have the ability to connect with different energetic vibrations, the power of meditation and attunement, and of course mediumship and psychic ability.

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